Luca Bassanese guest of “Checkpoint” on Channel 5 talk about his last album “Colpiscimi Felicità” and the themes so beloved to him.
During the interview at the “Checkpoint” on Channel 5, Luca Bassanese talked about his last album called “Colpiscimi felicità” and the themes so beloved to him in his cd.
According to Bassanese, the album faces themes such as love, happiness, and the search for beauty. The artist has underlined the importance of growing your own happiness, despite the difficulties of everyday life.
In the album there are songs that talk about the economical and social crisis, from the alienation of modern society and the injustice. Bassanese has explained that his principal intent is the one of stimulating the reflection on the mistakes of our society and promoting a positive change.
During the interview, Bassanese has touched the theme of ecology and protection of the ambience, underlining the importance of acting with responsibility of preserving the planet for the next generations.
Finally, he highlighted his love for music as a tool for uniting people and sharing messages of positivity and hope.
photo by Michele Piazza