The album Reset! by Luca Bassanese in the Top 10 of the World Music Chart Europe
A great announcement in the musical italian panorama. The new album Reset! by Luca Bassanese and his Piccola Orchestra popolare is at the ninth place of the World Music Chart Europe (WMCE), the international chart assembled by more that 40 radio DJs coming from 25 European countries. https://www.wmce.de/djs-236.html
“Reset!” is an album that stands out for its novelty and freshness. Through his music, Luca Bassanese explores subjects of great modernity like sustainability, inclusion and the research of a new balance in the modern world. The songs face the challenges and the contradictions of contemporary society, never losing hope and desire of change.
Bassanese says: “I sincerely thank all the people that contributed in the realization of the album Reset! Without you, this wouldn't have been possible. Firstly, a special thanks to the fabulous production of Stefano Florio and for believing in this project since the beginning. A heartfelt thank you to AIDA Music record label that believed in this work and made this album available worldwide. A precious support and I’m grateful for being part of this musical family. I also want to thank all the musicians that collaborated in this album, a special participation of the french-tunisian lyric tenor Amadi Lagha and the shining female voice of Elodie Lebigre. You brought your charisma and your passion in every note and I’m thankful for your precious help. Lastly, a heartfelt thanks to everybody that was included in the making process of Reset! You've been an important part of this journey and we’re truly grateful for all your love and support. We hope that this album brings as much joy as we felt while creating it.”
Using the writing style of what is considered a new folklore, Luca Bassanese over the years brings on the major stages of Europe his musical original collection characterized by a strong folk south-european sound. This happened at the Sziget Festival in Hungary, at the Paléo Festival Nyon in Switzerland, at the Cabaret Sauvage of Paris in France and also in the shows held in Spain, Austria, Portugal, at the Rudolstadt Festival and at the Bardentreffen in Nürnberg and last but not least in Belgium where since 2018 to this day, he’s been a guest at the Dranouter Festival, Esperanzah!, Labadoux and Air Bag in Bruges.
The chart obtained in the World Music Chart Europe is another recognition of the talent and commitment of Luca Bassanese. Being able to reach the ninth place in a chart this prestigious, is a very important goal and it shows the international appreciation for his work.
Reset! is an album that deserves to be listened to. Its musical and lyrical quality offers a unique and engaging experience.
photo by Daniele Di Chiara